Tuesday, January 27, 2015

It's already nearly two months since I last wrote anything here. It been a busy two months for sure. The holidays were wonderful. We were at Mike and Stacy's for Christmas. Between Mom and Dad, two sets of grandparents and Santa it looked like Christmas threw up in their living room. It was fun and chaotic and just a blast to watch the kids open their treasures. Then our good friend, Esther, came to stay with us. She is a New Years baby so she came after Christmas so we could all celebrate her birthday together. January has been full of fun adventures and chilly (for Arizona) weather. We LOVE living here!!! Was going to add some pictures here, but there is no cooperation from my computer and/or the blog site. Happy thoughts to you all! <3

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Just watched a really good Christmas movie: The Christmas Candle - based on the book by Max Lucado. He even has a cameo appearance in it. See if you can find him. Susan Boyle sings in it. It is a great story. I encourage you to consider adding it to your Christmas movie list.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Christmas rush is on. We are going to California for Christmas this year; leaving on Dec. 17. So I have TONS to do in a VERY SHORT amount of time. Have decided not to decorate much at all, since we won't be at home. But gotta shop and ship soon. Hope you all join me in finding time for Jesus during this busy season. Recently heard a message that gave me a brand new perspective on the Christmas Story. No doubt God did not answer Mary's prayer, which was undoubtedly something like - "Dear Father, PLEASE, don't let my baby be born here, in this place. Please let me wait until I can get back home to my mother, my family, my place of security." But God's answer was the perfect answer, wasn't it. Tryng to remember that so often our most earnest prayers will be answered in ways that don't seem like God has even heard our pleas, much less 'answered' them. But God is always at work, and ALL answers are designed to bring glory to Jesus. Praying I can stay focused on that this year.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Our Thanksgiving was wonderful. Hope yours was too. We are so thankful that Matt and Jen and Jack and Charlie could be here to share the feast at our table and to share wonderful times just being family. What a blessing! Now the push to Christmas... Whew, tired already. Hope Thanksgiving is a little earlier next year. Hugs to all!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Seriously, the funniest video I've seen in a long time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4q9kjUihnw

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Second Thanksgiving turkey is defrosing in the refrigerator - since last Thursday. Today did the rest of the shopping for this Thanksgiving. Funny - the cashier at the grocery store told us that their busiest day is Thanksgiving Day. They close at 3:00 p.m. so the employees can all enjoy Thanksgiving also. She said they start at 2:00 p.m. announcing they will be closing in an hour. They re-announce every 15 minutes thereafter and they STILL have to comb the store running people out at 3:00. She said that a lot of people are buying FROZEN turkeys. One has to wonder how in the heck they will be cooking it on that day. Made me chuckle. Matt and Jen and Jack and Charlie are coming for Thanksgiving this year. We are really excited to see them. The other project today was to get the Christmas letter written and printed. The envelopes are addressed and little personal notes are written inside the cards, so the letters and stamping are the last things. Gotta get 'em done early this year since we won't be home much after Thanksgiving. I pray a peaceful Thanksgiving for all of you. May God bless our troops with safety and a real knowledge that they are loved and that their efforts on our behalf are appreciated more than we can express. Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

First turkey of the season turned out great! Second is defrosting in the fridge. It will be for Thanksgiving day. Can't wait. Our eldest son, Matt, and his wonderful family will be here. Jack and Charlie, the grandsons, are wonderful little whirlwinds of fun, giggles, hugs, and excitement. It's going to be a GREAT time with them all. Jen (the Mama) and I will be taking the boys to a movie on Friday while Rod and Matt and some friends go to the car show in Phoenix. (Testosterone so thick you can cut it with a knife.) MUCH more fun to go to the movies. Christmas shopping has begun. We will probably be out for some of the 'Black Friday' fun along with the rest of population of the greater Phoenix area. We will most likely have some great Mexican food for dinner that evening. That's our favorite thing to eat the day after Thanksgiving. Going to be a fun and busy week. I have my shopping list and schedule all done. Just need someone cracking the whip to keep me moving. Any volunteers??? Praying that anyone reading this discovers anew the God who is the Source of all of the blessings for which we will be expressing gratitude on Thanksgiving day. God bless you and you loved ones.